THIS SUNDAY: God has written in ink the day when Jesus will return to “judge the living and the dead” (Apostles’ Creed). This Sunday we take time to think about that Last Day and what it means. The Last Day will mean very different things to different people. Join us for worship at Peace Lutheran this weekend at our new church at 10:00 am. The address is 12708 Memorial Dr., Trinity, 34655. Children’s Sunday School and Adult Bible Study will be offered as well.
Community Open House
We need your help to welcome the community onto our new property. Please take a look at the sign-up link below. Saturday, November 12, from 2-6 pm as a Community Open House & Fall Festival at our new property. Please consider volunteering for the event. Sign-ups are in the back of the worship space. We will need help with making Chili, handing out drinks, bouncy house “bouncers”, Peace Info Booth, a maze, Christmas Card to a Veteran station, and more. Volunteer Sign Up
Dedication of New Church – Sunday, November 20th
You are invited to join brothers and sisters in Christ from Peace Lutheran and the Tampa area as we dedicate our new church home to the glory of God on Sunday evening, November 20, at 5:00 PM. There will be adult and children’s choirs. The WELS chairman of North American Missions, Pastor Mark Gabb, will be preaching. A dinner will follow. Join us as we set apart our new space for the gathering of God’s people, the proclaiming of God’s saving gospel, and a place of life, comfort and hope for our community.New Pastor Called to Peace LutheranPastor’s Pastor Moldenhauer has asked that you keep him and his family in prayer. And please reach out to him and his wife.
Peace Lutheran Church has extended a Divine call to Pastor Thomas M Moldenhauer to serve at Peace. He currently serves at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Bismarck, ND. His wife, Mandy, teaches at Little Lambs Preschool at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Mandan, North Dakota which is very near Bismarck. They have three children ages 9, 7, and 5. Pastor and Mrs. Moldenhauer welcome input from the members of Peace. Their contact information is: Pastor’s cell: 701-955-0302Fruits of Faith
Can you set up a regular thank offering to support ministry at Peace Lutheran? Go to our website,, or text 888-314-2975 with a $ sign and an amount next to the dollar sign to set up a one-time gift or recurring gift to our general fund. As we complete our new church home, our monthly payments are increasing. Join in the joy of giving toward kingdom work here and around the world.
Here are a couple of secure ways to give.
- Set up a one-time gift or recurring gift at our website, click here
- Donate via text, send the dollar amount you wish to give to 888-314-2975 (Example: $40)
- Send an offering envelope/check via mail to: Peace Lutheran Church, 12708 Memorial Drive, Trinity, FL 34655
Worship Attendance 10/30: 78
Worship Attendance 11/6 : 86
Cumulative gifts given in October 2022: $14,063
Budgetary funds needed for October 2022: $16,530
Cumulative gifts given in November 2022: $4,389
Budgetary funds needed for November 2022: $16,530
Gifts Needed to Furnish Peace for the Future $63,000
Total cong. Commitment to date: $26,260
Total gifts and pledges received to date: $53,081
SUN. Nov. 13
10:00 am Sunday Service
11:00 am Fellowship
11:09 am Children’s Sunday School & Adult Bible Study
7:00 pm Church Council Meeting
7:15 pm Choir Practice @ New Church
SUN. Nov. 20
10:00 am Sunday Service
11:00 am Fellowship
11:09 am Children’s Sunday School & Adult Bible Study
5:00 pm Dedication Service with Guest Preacher (Dinner to Follow)